When most of people purchase an Android devices for the first time they need to create their Google account which is so simple and then after simply possible to install and configure on the device easily. After this, it is also easy to g for the Google 2-step verification tasks that provide then full access to the security of your device for all the time.
Guidelines for Google 2-step verifications issue
It's pretty hard for a user to do login when it asked and user don't know and face Google 2-step verification not working issue and get learn about What if my phone was lost or stolen? or Sign in with your backup phone, Sign in with a backup code so here are some steps.
After following the above-given steps, Google 2-step verification stop working issue will be resolved in a very effective manner. But if you are still not able to fix the issues of 2 step verification, then contact the customer support team of Google for instant help.